My First Noel

Christmas is awesome! The amount of toys I have has more than quadrupled! Grandma Millie came to town and she was just as fun as I remember, which is to say super-duper fun… Saturday was Mommy’s birthday and she got presents of her own. Christmas Eve morning we went to church in Longview, where I was a really good boy. Christmas Eve was dinner at the Stavig’s, which smelled delicious, but I stuck to my rice cereal… I must say I am growing less and less fond or rice cereal though. Daddy read me “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” before bed, which made me extra excited for morning. When morning finally arrived was when things really got exciting. Presents were everywhere and most of them were for me! I get the feeling that people really love me. First we had Christmas at Grammy and Pop Pop’s, and then we had Christmas at Nanny and Boppo’s. Then Chrismtas Dinner at Nanny and Boppo’s. It looked delicious, but Daddy says I need teeth before I can enjoy big boy food like that. That night we took off for home and I’ve been having a blast enjoying all my presents and remembering all the fun I had with my family.

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‘Tis the Season

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Mommy and Daddy took me shopping for the Christmas tree and then I drank milk while they decorated it… I went to dinner with my friend Maggie and she likes to give me kisses… I played at my buddy Ben’s house and he shared all his toys with me and we stared at each other… I went to a Christmas party with Mommy’s friends and got lots and lots of attention… On Friday Grandma Millie will be coming to town and I can’t wait!… I get to eat my rice cereal twice a day now, and I’m getting pretty good at it… Happy Holidays Everyone!

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Big Boy

On Wednesday Mommy and Daddy took me to see the doctor for my check-up. The doc says I weigh 17lbs and am 27.25 inches long! Now that’s what I call a big boy. Plus, I got four shots in my donkeys (thighs) and I barely even fussed. So Mommy and Daddy decided I was big enough for some big boy food — rice cereal! At first I was a bit apprehensive as I had never smelled anything like that and I couldn’t suck it out of a bottle, I had to use a spoon, which I’ve only seen Mommy and Daddy use. Once I got a taste of it and realized how delicious it was, my instinct told me I should just shove my face in the bowl, much like the kitty does when she eats. But Mommy and Daddy made me use the spoon, which I would argue is much less efficient than the kitty’s method, but Mommy and Daddy generally seem to know what’s best, so I’m going to have to trust them on this one and learn to use the spoon.

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Thanks for Great Grampas

Thanksgiving was the best. My two great grampas flew into town to play with me. Great Grampa Skipper flew all the way from Florida and this was the first time I met him. He’s great fun. And Papa John flew in from LA. We met a couple months ago when I was only half as big as I am now. I also got to play with Uncle Nathan, Alison, Uncle Ben, and Clare. And I got to play with the Rollers and Amy K and Matt from Seattle. It was non-stop action for a whole week. Aside from the exciting festivities, I’ve been doing some neato tricks… Grammy saw me roll over, i’m getting really good at using my hands, i had to get a bigger diaper size, Daddy put me all the way underwater during bathtime, i’m making more and more sounds, and i learned how to make motor boat sounds with my lips. It’s all so fun. See for yourself:

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It’s Halloween! Mommy and Daddy said that one year ago today is the day that they discovered I existed. I was only a microscopic embryo then. Now I’m 16 pounds! Last weekend we saw the Beavs take down #3 USC. I sure do love the Beavers. Last week I got a new toy. It’s a Sesame Street walker. I get to bounce around with Big Bird and Cookie Monster. I like Cookie Monster best. He told me when I get old enough that if I dip cookies in my milk it will make the milk that much better… I can’t wait! I also got to dress up in a pumpkin sweatsuit for Halloween. Kids came by the house and said “trick or treat” and Daddy gave them candy. I can’t wait to go trick or treating… I’ve heard nothing but good things about candy. My hair is getting noticeably longer. I’ve really grown out of all of my newborn clothes because I’ve become so long and cute. Mommy’s milk machines finally went kaput, so I’m just loving the dry milk now. Also, it feels like my two bottom teath are starting to come in. Dad says as soon as I have four teeth I can eat a cookie with him and Cookie Monster.

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