Posted in August 7, 2006 ¬ 2:58 amh.eli
All sorts of exciting things have been happening. Mommy got me a sling that she carries me all over the house with. It snuggles me up so close to her and I just love it. I also got a pacifier. I love it too. I call it a “Pootey”, because that’s what my friend Caleb calls it. Both the sling and the pootey are very soothing to me.
This weekend we went to the beach. It was awesome! My friends were there and stayed with me in a little vacation home in Lincoln City. We just relaxed all weekend long. Check out the pictures:
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Posted in August 3, 2006 ¬ 2:33 amh.eli
Mommy and Daddy named me Eli Guthrie Harrah, but they call me all sorts of silly names. Check these out:
Diaper Monkey Monkey Boy Diaper Boy Guth Bud Smelly Pants |
Bugaboo Bug Poo Poo Butt Big Boy Baby Tiny E |

Posted in July 31, 2006 ¬ 1:53 amh.eli
My poor Mommy has been sick since Thursday night and just started to feel better today. She was running a fever of over 104 degrees and one of her milk machines was out of order. It’s been devastating on many levels, but it looks like the worst of it is over.
On Saturday I got to hang out with my two uncles at the same time. It was the first time I met my Uncle Ben. He was a lot of fun but we didn’t get to hang out long… we’ll be travelling down to California to visit him later this month though… I can hardly wait! I also got to meet Uncle Nate’s fiance, Alison, who was in Alaska when I was born, and Uncle Ben’s girlfriend, Clare.
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Posted in July 27, 2006 ¬ 1:17 amh.eli
Daddy told me he read that it’s common for kids to have growth spurts when they are two to three weeks old… that would surely explain why I can’t seem to get enough milk lately. Dad cut my fingernails this morning and accidentally snipped my thumb. It hurt like heck and I let him know about it… I could tell he felt really bad, so I forgave him soon after. The last two days I’ve been able to go for long walks with Mommy & Daddy and I’ve also got to swing in my swing a ton, which is pretty much my favorite thing to do these days (besides having my favorite food of course).

Posted in July 24, 2006 ¬ 1:16 amh.eli
I’m bigger than ever… give me another week or two and you’ll be able to call me chunky. I’ve just been hanging out with my friends, mom and dad’s friends, and today we went to Grammy and Pop Pop’s farm and visited with all the grandparents. They were chewing on some yummy smelling steaks which I’m told I can’t get my little hands on until I grow some teeth… Life is hard…
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