Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


This month we went on a vacation to California. We flew in an airplane and the captain let me sit in his seat! We stayed in Newport Beach a nice hotel not too far from all my relatives. I went and saw Papa John at his home. We watched the turtles [...]

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Party like it’s 2009

Here are some pics of me from the firt few months of the year:

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A Snowy December

I’ve never seen so much snow in my life. Of course I’m only 2, but still, it was lots and lots of snow. Check it out:

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Around Here

Here are some recent pics. I’ve been playing a lot, and learning to talk quite a bit. We’ve been going to see lots of Beaver games. My friends Natalie and Caleb came to play with me at my house. Natalie is a couple months younger than I, and Caleb is almost [...]

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